Step-by-step tutorial

Would you like to order a sample, but don't understand how to do it? You are in the right place! Follow the instructions below to receive a sample piece conveniently at home. You can then take your time to decide whether to order the quantity you need or not.

  • First go to and select the product you are interested in from the collection itself or from Products, filtering by color and desired format.

Selezionare il prodotto

  • On the product page click "Order Sample." The sample piece of the product will be placed in the shopping cart. Go to the shopping cart and proceed to payment of the sample and shipping costs.

Click on order sample

  • You will conveniently receive the piece of tile you ordered at home. In the package you will also find the discount code equivalent to the amount spent on the sample. Remember to enter it in your next purchase on! 

Your order arrives at home

Product added to wishlist
Product added to compare.